Monday, September 15, 2008

It's September!!

Which means soon it will be fall & getting cooler & the leaves will begin to change. Then before you know it, the holidays are here! If you can't tell, I love fall & winter & all it brings!

So, thus far September has been, well, a bit stressful. First, Joey had to drop back down to part-time at work. This means less hours, less money for bills, & no more set weekends off. More than likely he will not have many Saturdays or Sundays off. We're hoping something better comes along soon to remedy all the "issues", so please pray that if it's the Lord's will, it will happen soon! During this, another "crisis" evloved. Apparently, somehow someone hacked our bank account & got our card & PIN numbers. Having this info, they racked up a nice little bill causing all sorts of problems at the bank, not to mention with other bills & such. Needless to say, Joey & I both were pretty eager to get this taken care of. And, I'm happy to report, that as of Friday evening we are well on our way. The bank credited back half the money, now we just have to do the fun part of filing fraud paperwork for them to start an investigation. Yay! Also going on, was issues with Joey's student financial aid. They were trying to say he was no longer a student & that we were a few months behind on paying the loans back. "What?! They know you have loans for this school year! Right?" Yeah, that was my reaction. Apparently the school didn't send in the right info to them at the beginning of the year so it looked like he had graduated with just an associates. Again, as of today I am happy to report this has also been straightened out. Let me tell you, I was not a happy camper about all this. Just ask Joey! Or maybe don't... :o)
I swear, for a little while things were coming from all directions. We felt like everything & everyone was out to get us if they could. Our "attack mode" was turning on & I was ready to come out with both guns blazing (Figuratively. We all know I'm a bit afraid of guns.) But in the midst of pieces of the sky falling, we remembered to stop & say a prayer. Not a prayer of "Take this all away!", but a prayer for direction, peace, clarity, & thankfulness. I can't tell you how thankful I am for the gospel in my life; for the priesthood in our home; for the spirit that touches my heart & calms my worries; for prayer & communciation with the Lord; for loving family & friends who support & uplift with smiles & encouragement; & for my sweet little family, who at the end of the day make me smile & know it will all be alright.
No matter how stressed I get, I can't let myself forget how blessed I truely am.


About Us said...

Katy, you are in our prayers! I know it will work out the way the Lord wants it. Please let us know what we can do to help!!

Emily said...

Congrats on the positive outlook! I am so impressed with your ability to handle the trials of life so well! Thanks for sharing and I am sorry that all this has happened to you!

Unknown said...

Oh KatyBeth, you are so right and so smart to look at the blessings that you have.

We will say a prayer for Joey's work situation...he needs those Sundays off so we can see him. :)

Relatively speaking we are SO blessed. And you are so right, at the end of the day and the bills and the all comes down to saying that family prayer together every night and being happy that we are all alive.

Lindsey Rose said...

It is amazing the times we go through a refiners fire to see what we will do in those situations. Wow you guys have been through a lot, but turning to the Lord is always the right choice. You will be better once the these trials are over, i garuntee it. We love you guys and you will be in our prayers!

Jessica @ One Shiny Star said...

Hey! I finally figured out how to add people on this website... lol. I'm not really very blogger-savvy. This is Jessica W... from church. :D What ward are yall in? Maybe I'll get to see you one of these days?


Yo Mama said...

Tough times, Katy. Don't worry though because one day it will just be a memory. Seriously, though, you are smart to remember your blessings.