Monday, November 17, 2008

LDS Blog Buttons

Just thought you might be interested in these websites. They offer LDS link buttons that are way cute!

Cutest Blog on the Block
Check out the Link on the left, "Accessorize Your Blog", & have a look!

Leelou Blogs
Check out the link on the left sidebar for the buttons ( the link at the top isn't working right now). Too cute & a really nice way to share your faith!

These links are always on my sidebar under Websites. You can also see examples of their stuff on my side bar as well.

By the way, I'm trying to clean up my sidebar so it looks decent & not so cluttered. If anyone knows how to make a blog button so I can make a link to my lists of people & websites, please let me know! I have no clue how to do the whole HTML & cute graphic stuff. Notice my sad attempt>> Haha! Thanks!!


Robyn said...

Hey girl. You should check out my Aunt's business Polkadot Thoughts on my blog. There is a link there.

Might give you an idea for Livvy's room, etc. :)