Sunday, July 13, 2008

Making Time for Us

This weekend was so nice! I love spending time with my family!!
It was my turn to plan a date for Joey & I. So, on Friday after work, Mom watched Livvy while we went to dinner at a restaurant downtown on Gay Street, then walked a block to the historic Tennessee Theater to see the showing of Vertigo. We love old movies, so it was perfect!
On Saturday, Mom, Livvy, & I ran some errands while Joey was at work. When he came home, Mom kept Livvy again while we went to visit his best friend Bob & his wife Sally at their new house to have a cookout, then decided to go see the movie Get Smart. So funny!!
Then today, Sunday, Joey was actually off & able to come to church w/ us!! That doesn't happen too often lately, to it's a treat when he does. After church we ate dinner w/ my family, took a nap, & then all three of us (Joey, Livvy, & I) took a nice walk around the neighborhood. Livvy loved it!! Only downside, we saw a house for sale we are in love with now...not good.

So, you're probably wondering why we spent so much time out this weekend, just me & Joey, away from Livvy. Some may think we're terrible, but other's obviously don't. People keep telling us we need to! We both feel that working 8hrs 5days a week takes us away from her enough, but we understand that we need time to be just a couple too. We're still kinda in that newlywed phase to a point! So, on the same note I am pleased to announce (yes, Alice & Lindsey I listened to you!) we are definitely going on our anniversary trip at the beginning of August!! The hotel is booked & everything! And yes, we are leaving Livvy with my family that weekend. Still not sure I like that, but i have to admit it will be nice to spend time some quality time w/ Joey before school starts & our hectic schedules gets worse. Now, we have agreed to leave her with my family conditionally. The condition: my parents have to go on a weekend trip to the temple soon as well. Mom doesn't like the idea of being away for that long, but we told her to suck it up because they both need it. Plus, they will never go away for their anniversary since it's between Christmas & New Year's. I think it was only fair, don't you? Mom & Dad never spend time on themselves, so now we will make sure they do! Next on the list is Mamaw. She needs time away too. But that's another ball game.

So, that's about it for now. Not even gonna get into the whole "house we're in love with" thing. Too dangerous! haha...
So glad to see a ton of our friends & family here blogging with us. Thank you for your comments & your entertaining blogs, we really enjoy them!!


Unknown said...

So happy for you guys! Wonderful pics by the way! You'll be fine on your anniversary trip!! LOVE YA!

Unknown said...

I most definitely agree that your parents need to go...but you will have to do some big service for them while they are gone to payback for leaving the baby.

Built in babysitters are an awesome bonus and most young couples don't have the luxury. I am glad to see that you guys are making time for each's so important. And I am sure that you guys are serving back your mom and dad to make it fair.

Lindsey Rose said...

Your date night sounds great! And I am so happy that you are taking the trip. You will miss her, but I am sure you will love every minute of it. Doug and I have never been without the kids over night. That is 4 years of kids, so I am so glad that you guys get to do it. I agree with Alice, you gotta love those biult in babysitters! You have wonderful parents, I love them and you to!