Right after Thanksgiving, we began practices for The Knoxville Nativity Pageant. This event, in it's 40th year, boast a 120-member cast, 200-voice choir, live animals, & much more. See this short synopsis on Knoxville's website.
My family has participated for years. Dad has been in the choir for about 30yrs, Mom has been for at least 7yrs, Dad’s Mom (Mom Maretta) sang in the choir for many years as well, & I have been in for 11yrs. I sang in the choir for 5yrs, then I was a villager in the cast for 2yrs, & then for the past 5yrs (with the exception of last year, as I was unable to perform due to pregnancy.) I have been a Heavenly Host Angel in the cast (no chuckles, please).
If you have never seen this beautiful depiction of the Christmas story, please consider taking the time to with your family. If you have, please join us again!
Where: The Knoxville Civic Coliseum
Admission: Free
Parking: Approx $5 in garages beside & across the street.
When: Sunday, Dec 14, 2008 @ 3pm (Today. Sorry!)
Monday, Dec 15, 2008 @ 7:30pm
Tuesday, Dec 16, 2008 @7:30pm
It is best to arrive early for a good seat & parking. Also, the performance takes place in the dark so it is good to already have your seat before it begins.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The 40th Annual Knoxville Nativity Pageant
Posted by Katy Beth at 11:08 PM 1 comments
Labels: Family, Friends, Holidays, Katy, Pictures, Public Events
Fantasy of Trees '08 cont
Here's more pictures I just have to share. I have some better ones of all three of us & some with Mom & Mamaw that were taken there that I'll have to scan in later. Just us!
Waiting in line with Daddy to meet Santa!
Making time for some snuggles...
Daddy's favorite tree...Pirate stuff plus ducks!
Mommy's favorite tree...all blankets!
Posted by Katy Beth at 9:30 PM 5 comments
Labels: Family, Family Celebrations, Holidays, Joey, Katy, Pictures, Public Events
Thanksgiving cont & Fantasy of Trees!
After we all woke up from our Turkey Comas, we decided to go to the Fantasy of Trees. So Mom, Mamaw, Joey, Livvy & I headed out. It was so much fun! I have been almost every year since I was born. This year was so exciting being able to take Livvy & see her reaction to everything. She loved all the lights & decorations!
She made Thumbprint Ornaments, but she wasn’t so sure about it…
Handprint Potholders, she loved swishing the paint between her fingers (I finally just got the paint from under her fingernails this week!)…
and met & had her picture taken with Santa for the very first time!
She didn’t cry at all. She just started at him. It was too cute! ( I'll scan in the better pitcture with Christmas stuff.)
But her favorite part, I think, was playing with the water bottle...
Posted by Katy Beth at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family, Family Celebrations, Holidays, Livvy, Pictures
Thanksgiving 2008- Livvy's 1st!
My little turkey!
Mom slicing the turkey. It's not just a man's job!
Mamaw preparing the table, while Dad hovers waiting to chow down. Haha!
Am I the last person to blog about Thanksgiving? Sorry, I told you this is our busiest time of year! Anyways, we had a very nice Thanksgiving. It was Livvy’s 1st! Livvy & I slept in on Thanksgiving while Joey went to our church’s “Turkey Bowl” to play & take pictures. When Livvy & I woke up we had fun watching The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. She loved the music & floats!
That afternoon, we had dinner with my family. It was odd. It was only Mom, Dad, Mamaw, Joey, Livvy, & I. Normally most of mom’s side of the family comes over, but not this year. It was still very enjoyable & the food was amazing as always.Livvy even had her own turkey dinner baby food which, as you can see, she did not like. She would much rather just have whatever is off of our plates. After dinner, we lyed around for a while & played with Livvy. I had a video, but it wouldn't upload...gr...
We had originally planned to go see Joey’s family after dinner, but they were all sick. So, we opted to stay home to keep Livvy from catching it. I felt so sorry for them & we missed seeing them! We’ll definitely have to visit soon & we’ll be there for Christmas Day.
Just like every year, I have so much to be thankful for. Our Savior, my faith, my sweet husband, my beautiful baby, my loving family, my caring family-in-law, friends, health, food to eat, a roof over our heads, medical care when needed, jobs, the country we live in, the children in my Sunday school class & all they teach me, the opportunities I have to share what I have with others who might not be as richly blessed. Every day, not just during this season, I hope I can recognize & appreciate all my blessings (even the hidden ones).
Posted by Katy Beth at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family, Family Celebrations, Holidays, Joey, Katy, Livvy, Opinions/Feelings, Pictures
Friday, December 12, 2008
Cally's latest...
giveaway! My uber talented friend is giving away free stuff. So check it out!
Posted by Katy Beth at 1:09 PM 1 comments
Labels: Cute Stuff, Friends, Linking/Page Share, Pictures
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
They've got the moves!
And the most awsome Wedding/1st Dance ever! I agree with Tara, I wish we'd thought of this!!
Posted by Katy Beth at 11:55 AM 2 comments
Labels: Friends, Linking/Page Share, Videos
Monday, November 24, 2008
The 24th Annual....
It's that time of year again! This week kicks off what is usually my busiest & most favorite time of year (Thanksgiving-Christmas). Not only is it Autumn which brings Thanksgiving, but this week every year Knoxville hosts The East Tennessee Children's Hospital's Fantasy of Trees. The Fantasy of Trees is the hospital's largest fundraiser. This year, all proceeds go to purchase equipment and other needs for the hospital's inpatient units, Surgery, and Radiology departments. I love service, no matter what kind! But this fundraiser is particularly close to my heart. My family & many friends work the event as volunteers. I've been almost every year since I was born, & this will be my 11th year working the event. I have seen how many lives have been touched by this incredible venture. Including my own niece (by marriage), Jalene, who battled cancer at the young age 2yr old & won with the help of ETCH.
The event begins the day before Thanksgiving & ends the Sunday after (Nov. 26-30th). There are crafts for children(free & $), lively shows, beautiful displays, & even Santa Claus! Most definitely something for everyone...even the "Scrouges". Check out the links for more info, times, & prices. There will also be a link on my sidebar for information year round! I invite you to come kick off the holiday season with something you will never forget & is sure to become a family tradition.
I must admit, I do feel really odd this year. Normally, I start working as an recruiter for this event in August or September. But this year, things are so topsy-truvy that I haven't done any recruiting at all. Also, last year, pregnant & sick, & worked all but 4 shifts & loved every minute of it. This year, I'm working only 1. I keep being told I shouldn't feel bad, but I can't help it! It's odd, not like me, & definitely not my typical routine this time of year. I can only hope that next year will be more settled & I'll be back to my normal. At any rate, we will definitely be attending & working so expect pictures!
Posted by Katy Beth at 1:26 PM 6 comments
Labels: Family, Family Celebrations, Friends, Holidays, Katy, Linking/Page Share, Opinions/Feelings, Public Events
Catching up on "first's" #1
I included in the title of this "#1". Why you might ask? Maybe it's because I know myself enough to know that I will more than likely be behind on updating everyone on "1st's" at some point in time again. I know, hard to imagine. But things happen!
First off, on Sept 29th Livvy turned over for the first time! Only from belly to back though. Back to belly wasn't until Oct 16th.
On Oct 9th we took Livvy in for her 6mo check up. She was 17lbs, 15oz & 27in long. She had grown SO much in just 6mo!! We also got the clear to start her on baby food other than cereal, which we did that night. Her first food was green beans & she loved it! Now she has tried all the veggies, most of the fruits, & is working on the meat combinations.
In between all this Livvy has been trying to crawl, pull up, stand, & even take steps! She's not quite got the whole crawling thing down yet. She rocks though! Maybe she'll be like me. I barely crawled any time, just went straight to walking at 8mo. Oh no, if she does take after me...look out! She's still a little wobbley when she stands, but she gets really excited about it! If the notion hits her, she trys to throw your hands away & take off on her own. Then she realizes, she's not sure how & flops down on her toosh. She's very proud of her new shoes too & loves to walk in them! She's not content just to sit still anymore, it's time to be in the floor and on the move!
Then, on Nov 6th Livvy cut her 1st tooth! She had been having trouble sleeping for a couple nights & now I know why. Coincidentally, she also got sick for the first time that night. We figure it was because her saliva was so acidic that it just upset her stomach. Poor baby! Oh! And she cut her 2nd tooth on Nov 17th.
Last & most recently, she seems to be attempting to say names. While Grandma (my mom), Mamaw (my mamaw), & I have been trying to get her to say things like "Momma, Mamaw, Grandma", Grandpa has been trying to get her to say "Grandpa", Joey has been trying to get her to say "Daddy", & when we visited a couple weeks ago Nanny & Papa (Joey's parents) & two of our nieces, Jalene & Janele, were trying to get her to say all of their names too. But she opted for "Di-di", which we believe to be "Daddy". On, Nov 15th Joey was playing with her when we got home from a date night. They were laughing & playing, when she started to rub her eyes because she was sleepy. Joey looked at her & said "Oh, Livvy!" Sympathy apparently makes you fall asleep faster, so she quickly tried to stand up & start jumping agian. After a minute she was getting sleepy agian. She decided she needed snuggles, so she looks at him & said something that sounded like "Oh, Di-di!" & reached to hug him. It was too cute!! Joey was really proud & excited that she apparently said his name first, of course. She said it a few more times that night even. Then the next day after church, Joey had a meeting, so Livvy & I sat in the hall waiting for him. She wasn't very happy he was gone, so I was trying to distract her with her picture album we made. When we opened the book to the picture of Joey she grabbed it & patted the picture & kept saying "Di-di! Di-di!". I know they aren't supposed to know what "Dada" & "Mama" really mean or associate them with people yet, but it seems like she does. Who knows! I attempted to get it on film, but all she did was smile.
We're a little proud...can you tell? I'm sorry I don't have any pictures now. If she's playing & I get the camera, she won't turn over. If she's smiling & I get the camera, she clamps her mouth so I can't see her teeth. I haven't gotten anything of her standing up or walking yet. And good luck getting her to say "Di-di" on video. I'll keep trying though...I promise!
Posted by Katy Beth at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family, General Update, Joey, Katy, Livvy
Monday, November 17, 2008
LDS Blog Buttons
Just thought you might be interested in these websites. They offer LDS link buttons that are way cute!
Cutest Blog on the Block
Check out the Link on the left, "Accessorize Your Blog", & have a look!
Check out the link on the left sidebar for the buttons ( the link at the top isn't working right now). Too cute & a really nice way to share your faith!
These links are always on my sidebar under Websites. You can also see examples of their stuff on my side bar as well.
By the way, I'm trying to clean up my sidebar so it looks decent & not so cluttered. If anyone knows how to make a blog button so I can make a link to my lists of people & websites, please let me know! I have no clue how to do the whole HTML & cute graphic stuff. Notice my sad attempt>> Haha! Thanks!!
Posted by Katy Beth at 12:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: Cute Stuff, Katy, Linking/Page Share
Random Boredom Tag
Yet again, I'm playing tag. What? It helps eat up time at work while there's nothing to do & I'm bored! It's Erin's fault this time. She tagged me. So, I'm spreading the love to Tara, Crystal, Farrah, Savvy, Mayemma & Jessica...& anyone else who would like to (see question 23). Have fun!
1. Do you like blue cheese? Sometimes.
2. Do you own a gun? Um, no. I’m really afraid of them actually. You should have seen me the first time I held & fired one!
3. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Usually vanilla, if anything.
4. Do you get nervous before doctor Appointments? Nope
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I only eat them like once a year. I can live without them. I prefer the Kiabasa/Bratwurst (like I’m supposed to know how to spell it) thingies, but still only eat them like once a year.
6. Favorite Christmas movie? I don’t have just one! All the cartoon ones, It’s a Wonderful Life, The Santa Clause movies, etc.
7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water or juice
8. Can you do push-ups? If I must.
9. Age? 20
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My engagement & wedding rings, & my locket.
11. Favorite hobby? Making blankets, making crafty stuff with pictures, & cooking.
12. Favorite Actor? Tom Hanks, Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Matt Damon, George Clooney…can you tell I like movies a little?
13. Do you have A.D.D.? No
14. What's one trait you hate about yourself? It's hard for me to make decisions.
15. Middle name? Elizabeth
16. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: 1-I’m so ready to be at home. 2-I’m loving my playlist of random stuff! 3- I have so much to do before Christmas!
17. Name 3 things you bought yesterday/today: Well, it was actually two days ago (Saturday) 1-Lunch, 2- cute Christmas slippers, 3-Slimfast Snack bars
18. 3 drinks you regularly drink? 1- Water, 2- Juice, 3- Sparkling water
19. 3 Current worries? 1- Affording to move out again. 2- Not being able to please everyone. 3- Way too much I should be doing before Christmas!
20. Favorite place to be? At home, at the beach, or in the mountains.
21. How did you bring in the New Year? Joey & went out to eat & then we went to my parents to watch the countdown. I was pregnant & sick so we didn’t do anything too wild & crazy like church parties or anything.
22. Where would you like to go? Back to the beach, Utah, places with snow, places with lighthouses, Europe, etc.
23. Tag three to six people: Tara, Crystal, Farrah, Savvy, Mayemma & Jessica…but anyone can do it. I don’t want anyone to feel left out! Leave me comment & I’ll definitely check it out!
24. Do you own slippers? Yep
25. What shirt are you wearing? White tank under a pink & white stripped shirt
26. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I've never done it before, am I missing out?
27. Can you whistle? Used to. Not so much anymore. Wonder what happened there.
28. Favorite color? Periwinkle
29. Would you be a pirate? “Absolutely! I would love to sail in the open ocean. Though, the stealing and fighting are downsides for me.”- Erin, I agree!
30. What songs do you sing in the shower? Depends on what is stuck in my head that morning. A lot of times it’s Christmas songs….no clue why.
31. Favorite girl's name? boy's name? Girls: Olivia! Lol Samantha, Molly, etc. Boys: Thomas, Cole
32. What is in your pocket? No pockets today
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Livvy giggling this morning!
34. Best bed sheets as a child? Little Mermaid
35. Worst injury you've ever had? I’ve been lucky not too have anything terrible happen. Although, I am very accident prone. I suppose any of the injuries to my hip & knees while figure skating, which I still have issues with. I’ve dislocated & chipped the bone on my hip, & dislocated & otherwise injured my knees numerous times. I’ve had arthritis since I was 14.
36. How many TVs do you own? 1
37. Who is your loudest friend? Um…probably Robyn, Mary, or Alice.
38. How many dogs do you have? One, but he’s technically my parent’s now. His name is Tucker aka “Tuck”
39. Does someone have a crush on you? Joey. No one else would have me!
40. What is your favorite book(S)? A Walk to Remember by Nicolas Sparks, The Perfect Day by Richard Paul Evans
41. Where were you born? Here in Knoxville!
42. What is your favorite candy? Tootsie rolls
43. Favorite Sports Teams? The Vols, Colts, Titans
44. What songs do you want played at your funeral? Never really though about it, honestly.
45.What are you doing at 12 A.M.? Falling or already asleep usually.
46. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? “It’s too warm under the blanket to get up. And seriously, is it already 6am? Time to say prayers.”
47. Do you live away from your home town? Where are you currently? Nope. I’m still here.
48. Do you like to celebrate the holidays? Absolutely!
49. Do you own/use exercise equipment, if so what kind? My legs to walk,& my baby as a weight.
50. What do you think of this long list of questions? It helped me use up some time at work while I’m bored. Thanks! haha
Posted by Katy Beth at 10:31 AM 3 comments
Labels: Friends, Katy, Linking/Page Share
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Joey's New Hobby
This semester in school Joey had to take a Photo Journalism class. We bought a new, fancy camera & he started clicking away. He loves it & he's gotten really good! I've posted a few of my favorites in an album. Feel free to browse these pics & the other albums, comment, & enjoy!
![]() |
Joey's Art |
I'll be posting more in the future. So, always check back by using the link on the side bar!
Posted by Katy Beth at 7:00 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Make it happen!
So there's this super talented signer/songwriter I know. He is the oldest child of a family we have gone to church with since I can remember & I've grown up with all of them. Well, Derek found out this week that a video of one of his songs is in the CMT Music Madness Contest on CMT.com! The song is "My Hero" & it is amazing! Click this link to see the video.
Please, go to this link & vote for Derek Hinckley so he can move on to the next round. (Click on VOTE on the left hand side) You can vote as many times are you like, so the more the merrier! He has already gotten enough votes to move on the the 2nd round, which is currently going on. But he still needs all the votes he can get to put him in the Top 16 next! The 2nd round ends on Nov 10th.
This is a great opportuinty for Derek & we wish him all the best! How great would it be to know you played a part in helping further someone's career & in turn put good, wholesome music on the radio?
The whole Hinckley family is uber talented! For more information on their music & talents check on these links (always on my sidebar):
Air Tight - The Hinckleys band(The parent's)
The Hinckley Brothers- The boy's band
Lindsay Jane Photography- Derek's sister's company. Amazing!
Seven Mile Buliding Co. - Derek's company
Posted by Katy Beth at 1:05 PM 7 comments
Labels: Friends, Linking/Page Share, Videos
Monday, November 3, 2008
Have a laugh...
And a stroll down "Memory Lane"!
My uncle told me about this video the other night, & I thought it was too fun not to share. Everyone knows I love The Fonz!
Now, we all know I don't do politics. I'm not a democrat or a republican. I simply vote for who I believe will be the best for our country. I pray about my decision & if the spirit confirms it, then I go with it. So, I don't want to hear any bashing or belittling of any candidate. It only makes people lose respect for you if you have to stoop to the same levels that many politicians do. There are no high horses here. Everyone has their own opinions! I just thought you might enjoy how quickly time can reverse!
Posted by Katy Beth at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Linking/Page Share, Opinions/Feelings, Videos
Sunday, November 2, 2008
More of Livvy's 1st Halloween
Posted by Katy Beth at 6:46 PM 4 comments
Labels: Family, Family Celebrations, Holidays, Joey, Katy, Livvy, Pictures, Videos
Happy Halloween! 2008
Ah...Halloween. The only day of the year when you can see Cruela DeVille, Godzilla, the clown from It & a few choice others on your way to work. Ok, with the exception of "rush hour" each day...
This year was the first year I've worked at a place that asked us to dress up on Halloween. And what do I do? I put my hair (mind you it's short right now) in pigtails, put on some pajamas, slippers, & my robe, & made freckles on my face with my eye liner. I know, I'm terribly lame! Look, I ran out of time & energy to mess with it. Besides, this is the most comfortable anyway. How many days do I get to come to work in my P.J.'s? As the president of the company said to me this morning, "I bet this is your favorite day of the year to come to work!" Only downside, it makes it hard to stay awake!
As for Livvy, this is her 1st Halloween! I didn't intend to take her trick-or-treating this year, especially with Joey working & not being able to go with us. I kinda think she's a bit young. She can't even eat the candy! Joey was all for it though! (Who would have guessed?) Yeah, we did pick out a costume for her. Nothing too involved. She's not too crazy about the hood on the little jumpsuit, I couldn't imagine her enjoying an actual costume. But I didn't really buy it for trick-or-treating. I mainly bought it because it would be cute in pictures, & I'm a sucker for cute stuff for pictures. But, when a couple of our closest friends asked if we wanted to take Livvy trick-or-treating with their kids, I couldn't say "No". It's a photo opportunity, duh! Livvy loved watching the kids running around & was dying to go with them! Afterwards, we came home to visit with my family & take more pictures. Then when Joey got home, we took pictures in front of Mamaw's door. Here's a few of our favorites. Enjoy!
Livvy's our little Punkin!
She even had her little candy bucket! Grandma finds the cutest stuff!
Fun with our friends! John & Becca's littlest, Emma, & Livvy matched.
Livvy at her 1st door! She traded her bucket for the lollipop....
Posted by Katy Beth at 6:15 PM 2 comments
Labels: Family, Family Celebrations, Friends, Holidays, Joey, Katy, Livvy, Pictures
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpkin Patch Pics 2
Too cute not to post!
Our little family
Livvy loved some pumpkin ice cream! (It was just a little, I swear!)
All the kiddos! (L to R: Benson, Briley, Emma, Brielle, Livvy, & Ally. Parker is sleeping. By the way, sorry if I spelled any names wrong!)
Posted by Katy Beth at 10:41 PM 3 comments
Labels: Family, Family Celebrations, Friends, Joey, Katy, Livvy, Pictures
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Pumpkin Patch
Earlier this month for FHE (Family Home Evening) we got together with a few of our friends & went to a pumpkin patch. It was so much fun! There was even a little petting zoo with a pony, ducks, chickens, & goats for the kids to enojoy. When we got there Livvy was still asleep, but when she woke up she liked looking at the animals. Joey brought his camera so we could get some pictures in. They turned out so good! We even took some family shots of all our friends. Afterwards, we went to Bruester's for ice cream. Livvy even got a taste! It was really nice to get together with friends! We've been talking about doing it more often, if we can all work out our schedules. We look forward to it! We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends who uplift & strengthen us! I'm so glad Livvy will have good friends to grow up with too!
Livvy still sleepy
She really enjoyed the animals...& they liked her socks too!
I wasn't too happy about the dirt, but she liked posing for Daddy's camera! (Joey edited a better version I will post later.)
Livvy & Mommy
Livvy & Daddy
A whole half-a-year!
On October 1st Livvy turned 6 months old! She's getting so big, it's crazy! I look back at the pictures of when she was first born & think "What happened? She was SO tiny then!" She constantly amazes me. She learns more each day & even impresses herself sometimes. She has the cutest expressions, the most gorgeous smile, the gentlest touch, the sweetest(& "wetest") kisses, the most heartwarming snuggles/hugs, & the most adorable laughs & giggles. She truley is a miracle. The Lord's most beautiful gift he could have ever given me. Children are incredible blessings.
Those of you who have children understand what I mean. Never take anything for granted, even the frustrating times. One day you'll look back & wish you had enjoyed things much more & long to hear the laughter & patter of little feet.
If you don't have any yet, you will know one day. So look forward to it!
And for those of you who see your children growing up, cherish what you have & what you have had. The Lord thought enough of you to trust you with one of his most precious. It is no coincidence that they come when they do. We all come for a reason.
As parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, brothers, sisters, & friends we are all resposible for caring for, loving, & teaching these giant spirits in little bodies. But don't let yourself forget to learn from them. They have alot to teach us!
Happy 6mo birthday, Livvy! We love you more than you will ever know & we will forever!
Look how long/tall she is!
I love her kisses! Too sweet!
Look at that belly! At least you know she's fed well!
Posted by Katy Beth at 8:09 PM 9 comments
Labels: Family Celebrations, Livvy, Pictures
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Cally's at it again!
Yep, Cally's having another giveaway! And this one's huge! Head over to her blog to enter! If you do, please tell her I sent you! Here's what you do:
1) Leave a comment on her giveaway post to be entered once.
2) Link (aka. post about her giveaway) to her post to be entered a second time. Make sure you tell her!
3) If you refer someone & they mention your name in their comment, you will be entered a third time.
Easy-shmeezy, right? So get a move on!!
Posted by Katy Beth at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cute Stuff, Friends, Linking/Page Share, Pictures
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fun with the Grandma's!
On September 12th Grandma(my mom), Mamaw(my Mamaw), & Mamaw Joyce (Mamaw's sister) took Livvy with them to Dollywood. While there, they had her pictures made at that little shop where they make them look "old-timey". Too cute! They said she wouldn't smile no matter what they did, she just stared. But Mamaw said Livvy was just "in character" since they didn't really smile in pictures back then. Makes sense! See, my baby's just too smart!
Posted by Katy Beth at 7:54 PM 6 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
"Give oh Give-away!"
I couldn't help myself! Who doesn't love that Primary song?
Anywho, I've found another giveaway(thanks to Cally's page, yet agian)! This time it's brought to you by the designer Grosgrain. I just found her page today which showcases this DIY patternmaker's abilities in little girls fashions. Totally cute! And get this, she has bi-weekly giveaways. This week it's an adorable Red Riding Hood jacket.
I'm telling ya', I'm going crazy between Calico, Grosgrain, & Bloggy Giveaways. Maybe I'll actually win something one day! Check them all out & let me know what you think!
Posted by Katy Beth at 11:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: Cute Stuff, Friends, Linking/Page Share
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Did someone say "free"? I like free!
My friend Cally is super creative. And, as usual, she has struck again. A homerun in my book! You have to check out her page, especially her free giveaway this week.
It's really simple. Enter & you might win these lovely goodies. Even better, link & you get entered twice.
How awsomely stellar is that?!
Posted by Katy Beth at 9:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: Cute Stuff, Friends, Linking/Page Share, Pictures
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Husband Tags
So, here's tags from Kendra & Alli's pages. I liked both & couldn't choose, so I combined them. Have fun!
1. Where did you meet?: At a YSA activity at the Knoxville Zoo. Although, technically we had already met like 4 times though. lol!
2. How long did you date before you were married?: 4 days short of 13 months.
3. How long have you been married?: 1 year & 1 month
4. What does he do that surprises you?: Sending messages during the day that say "I love you!" or ones that make me laugh. He always knows how to brighten my day!
5. What is your favorite physical feature of his?: Probably his eyes & his smile.
6. What is your favorite quality of his?: How caring he is. He is SUCH a gentleman. Eventhough I tell him it's ok not to open my doors & such all the time, he still does. Even when I'm crabby. He's also an amazing husband & father. He amazes me everyday with how sweet he is!
7. Does he have a Nickname for you?: Katy, but that doesn't count. He calls be Beautiful. I don't think there's any others.
8. What is his favorite color?: Blue
9. What is his Favorite food?: Chocolate
10. What is his favorite sport?: Soccer & Disc Golf
11. When and where was your first kiss?: It was on our 2nd date, which was 2 days after our 1st! It was a Sunday afternoon & we were over at the house he shared with 2 other guys, sitting on the couch watching Monty Python & the Holy Grail. Tim scared him, so he put his arm around me "for protection". He was so smooth & romantic! :P
12. Favorite thing to do as a couple?: Just spending time together! We love to go out and do whatever. Movies, park, take pictures, go for a walk, travel, etc.
13. Do yo have any Children?: Just 1, Livvy is 5mo old.
14. Does he have a hidden talent?: Several! Only a few people know he plays the violin, he rode Dressage, & he speaks fulent French!
15. How old is he?: 26
16. Who said I love you first?: Joey, on our 3rd date a week after our 1st. We were up in the mountains watching the sunrise.
17. What is his favorite type of music?: All types really. He has very eclectic taste. But mostly alternative rock stuff, some bluegrass, etc.
18. What do you admire most about him?: His attitude & honesty.
19. Do you think he will read this?: More than likely! I love you, sweety!
Q: What is his name?
A: Joey
Q: How long were you engaged?
A: 4 mo
Q: Who eats more?
A: Probably about the same lately. But usually Joey. What? He's a guy!
Q: Who is taller?
A: Definitely Joey. By almost a foot!
Q: Who sings better?
A: No idea. Joey doesn't sing very much.
Q: Who is smarter?
A: Probably Joey!
Q: Whose temper is worse?
A: Haha...depends, but probably me! But I've heard that you don't want to make him mad either.
Q: Who pays the bills?
A: We do it together usually. But lately me while he's at school & work.
Q: Who does laundry?
A: I do. My mom helps out though, when I'm working.
Q: Who cooks Dinner?
A: We take turns. But since we're home for now, Mamaw cooks most nights. We're getting spoiled!!
Q: Who drives when together?
A: Joey most often.
Q: Who is more stubborn?
A: We both are!
Q: Who is the first to admit when wrong?
A: I honestly don't know. I would love to say "Me!", but I'm not really sure.
Q: Who wears the pants?
A: We both do. But when it comes to talking to people about finances & straightening things out, that's me.
Q:Who mows the lawn?
A: Joey
Q: Who proposed?
A: Joey. I knew he was going to soon, but I didn't know when or how. He totally surprized me! My family & best friend were even in on it! There was a big elablorate diversion that completely through me off, which ended in going to the park & planting a tree with Tara peeking out from behind a building taking pictures. Lol! If you want to know the full story, leave me a message & I'll post about it sometime!
Q: Did any of you ever come up with a TOP 10 list of things you looked for in a husband when you were younger?
A: I know I did in a church class one time. I tweaked it over the years & I have to say, Joey is everything I listed & so much more. I'm so blessed & thankful to have such a wonderful husband!
Posted by Katy Beth at 8:56 PM 5 comments
Labels: Joey, Katy, Opinions/Feelings, Pictures
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Yesterday was the first official day of Fall/Autumn. Yay!!! I'm already dressing like it's getting colder. I know, Joey makes fun of me for it too. I suppose it's wishful thinking.
Anywho, we've been getting alot of questions about the last post. So, here's what's going on: We're fine! Haha! We love & appreciate you all for worrying, but please don't. Things have all been taken care of. Joey's looking for a better job; the bank is taking care of the fraud on our account; Joey's financial aid for school is working out fine; etc. Everyone's prayers work miracles. As does the support & love we recieved from each of you. Again, thank you for everything. But hey, if anyone knows of a good job feel free to let us know! :o)
In other news, I neglected to mention Joey's schooling. As you all know, he is a Journalism major. This semester some of his classes focus on the history of the media, science writing, & photo journalism. He really seems to be enjoying it! I think they sound fun. Anywho, we bought Joey a camera for one class, so now he enjoys taking pictures, artsy & just for fun, for projects & just around the house...mainly of Livvy. Seriously, who could could resist taking pictures of that face?! And yes, I will post them. Also, for one of his classes Joey has to intern at the university's radio station. It's a true internship in the sense that there is no pay involved, but it's only two hours a week & Joey loves it. He & his classmate Ryan DJ at 90.3 WUTK Saturdays from 11am-1pm. It's nothing huge, but it’s a start! Now, I will warn you though; WUTK is an Indie/Alternative Rock station. So if that’s not your cup of tea, no problem! But feel free to give it a try if you like.
As for everything else in our lives, they are going well. Our families are well. Livvy is growing up way too fast. We found out she as Excema, but the medicine has it under control & she's doing wonderful. Joey's busy with work, school, church, family, etc. I'm staying busy with work, church, family, etc. We even made time to go out for a date night last night! Which we thouroughly enjoyed.
Yeah, life gets stressful & there's never enough time in a day. But I'm so thankful for all the blessing we have! We are blessed beyond belief!! It's so easy to overlook it when things get hairy, but I'm trying to get better about that. I'm learning to be thankful for the trials, because I learn & grow when they come into our lives. And I'm learning to be appreciative of all we have, especially the times when all seems right in our little corner of the world. Like today.
Posted by Katy Beth at 1:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's September!!
Which means soon it will be fall & getting cooler & the leaves will begin to change. Then before you know it, the holidays are here! If you can't tell, I love fall & winter & all it brings!
So, thus far September has been, well, a bit stressful. First, Joey had to drop back down to part-time at work. This means less hours, less money for bills, & no more set weekends off. More than likely he will not have many Saturdays or Sundays off. We're hoping something better comes along soon to remedy all the "issues", so please pray that if it's the Lord's will, it will happen soon! During this, another "crisis" evloved. Apparently, somehow someone hacked our bank account & got our card & PIN numbers. Having this info, they racked up a nice little bill causing all sorts of problems at the bank, not to mention with other bills & such. Needless to say, Joey & I both were pretty eager to get this taken care of. And, I'm happy to report, that as of Friday evening we are well on our way. The bank credited back half the money, now we just have to do the fun part of filing fraud paperwork for them to start an investigation. Yay! Also going on, was issues with Joey's student financial aid. They were trying to say he was no longer a student & that we were a few months behind on paying the loans back. "What?! They know you have loans for this school year! Right?" Yeah, that was my reaction. Apparently the school didn't send in the right info to them at the beginning of the year so it looked like he had graduated with just an associates. Again, as of today I am happy to report this has also been straightened out. Let me tell you, I was not a happy camper about all this. Just ask Joey! Or maybe don't... :o)
I swear, for a little while things were coming from all directions. We felt like everything & everyone was out to get us if they could. Our "attack mode" was turning on & I was ready to come out with both guns blazing (Figuratively. We all know I'm a bit afraid of guns.) But in the midst of pieces of the sky falling, we remembered to stop & say a prayer. Not a prayer of "Take this all away!", but a prayer for direction, peace, clarity, & thankfulness. I can't tell you how thankful I am for the gospel in my life; for the priesthood in our home; for the spirit that touches my heart & calms my worries; for prayer & communciation with the Lord; for loving family & friends who support & uplift with smiles & encouragement; & for my sweet little family, who at the end of the day make me smile & know it will all be alright.
No matter how stressed I get, I can't let myself forget how blessed I truely am.
Posted by Katy Beth at 1:18 PM 6 comments
Labels: Family, Friends, General Update, Joey, Katy, Opinions/Feelings
Congratulations to...
Leanna & Lance!! They welcomed their new addition to their family early Saturday morning. Too sweet!! Check out the adorable family!
Posted by Katy Beth at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family, Family Celebrations, Friends, General Update, Pictures
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Livvy's 1st Photoshoot
Here's my favorite!
On Aug 12th, Mom & Mamaw took Livvy to get pictures made as a surprise for me. She wore a little outfit my aunt bought for her. Mom & Mamaw said she was so well behaved the whole time. She smiled everytime, never whined or cried, & even laughed! She looked adorable in all of them, that I want everyone to see! Since I can't put all of them on here, this is the link to the album.
![]() |
Livvy's Photoshoot |
Feel free to admire!
Posted by Katy Beth at 6:48 PM 8 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thus far in August....
I know I've been terrible about blogging lately, but things have been crazy! Sorry!! So, now let's see what interesting things I have to tell....
First, on the 9th we went to Crossville to visit Joey's family & see his dad in a riding/shooting tournament of sorts. Jim did great!! I wish my pictures had turned out, but I'll definitely get more next time. We had a lot of fun seeing everyone! Livvy especially enjoyed it there & she did so good at the show. We put earplugs in & she was perfect! As you can see from the picture, the girls were inseperable.
Janele, Livvy, & Jalene at the shoot!
Then, on the 10th we came back home & went to meet Baby David! He's adorable! We've visited a few times since & he's just getting more handsome everyday! Livvy loves to check him out. I can't wait for them to grow up together & get to the age where they can actually play together!
Baby David's so little!! Livvy used to be...
The last couple of weeks has been pretty uneventful. Joey's been sick again, & still is today.(I'll spare him the picture posting.) He's never really been 100% since he got sick back in February. His immune system just has a very low tolerence right now. He's missed work a few times because of it, & now that school started this week it's making it even harder. I have to admit, we've both been frustrated because we can't make him better & we're both a litte stressed about it. This is something I feel terrible about. But with the Lord's help, maybe I'll learn to be more patient & calm & not to bite other's heads off when I'm worked up, including Joey's. I need to learn that sometimes things are out of my control. We're just hoping that he's able to recooperate & get back to his normal self again very soon! I miss seeing him smiling & joking around. I hate seeing him in pain or not feeling well & knowing there's not really anything I can do to help. But the Lord's watching over him & we're thankful for all the help our family has been.
During this hectic week while Joey's been so sick, I got a major haircut. It's really short for me, & I don't think I've ever had it quite this short. But I really like it & it's super easy to keep up. My friend Allison did an amazing job!(Thanks Alli!) Also, we celebrated my 20th birthday! Well, we didn't celelbrate really. I worked while he went to school & came home sick, then I went to WalMart to get a prescription. But that's ok! Saturday, my family took us to dinner at Wasabi's. Poor thing, Joey tried to eat & pretend to be happy but he was miserable. Then I made another trip to Walmart for something he could hold down. Then today, I headed to church while he rested then came home & tried to nurse him back to health. My Mom made me a birthday cake & they all sang to me. I can't tell you how thankful I am to have a wonderful family & circle of friends! Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!!
The only picture I have for now. Sorry!
As for Livvy, she went to the doctor for her 4mo check up this week. He says she's right on schedule for everything & is in the 95% for weight & height. She'll be tall just like her Daddy! Right now, she loves to try to talk, sing, & shake her booty!
Livvy chillin' & chattin'!!
Looks like that's about it for now. Nothing too eventful. Just another few weeks in our crazy lives!
Posted by Katy Beth at 9:52 PM 4 comments
Labels: Family, Family Celebrations, Friends, General Update, Joey, Katy, Livvy, Pictures